H-Hoo’s There?

Caleb the Owl is afraid of the dark. When Mama and Papa go to get water, Caleb gets scared and sets out to find his parents. Caleb’s scary adventure teaches him a valuable lesson about fear, God, and the love of his parents.

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Jason Todd has adventures in St. Louis, Missouri. He loves to stroll through forests and look at animals. Every day he’s learning to be brave.

H-Hoo’s There? is his first book.


Julie Hammond is the illustrator of “Why Do We Celebrate Easter?”, “Riley’s Heart Machine”, “Birds in a Flower Basket” and “Hockey Agony.” She lives with her family of two girls, a loving husband and a few furry friends in a cozy house in St. Louis, Missouri. She loves to hear from her reading friends.

You can contact Julie through her website at juliehammondart.com