A Tale of Two Governments

This book stands in a gap that I’ve long hoped to see occupied. – From the foreword by John MacArthur

What does church discipline have to do with the separation of church and state?

At first glance, they seem like a strange combination: one, a relatively obscure church procedure, and the other, a hotly contested legal and political issue. But they have been forced together as a growing number of churches find themselves in court.

Behind these court cases is an almost forgotten history of the relationship between church and state. This story is an important one for every American who cares about religious freedom, and for every Christian who cares about the integrity of the church.

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Robert J. Renaud graduated from Oak Brook College of Law with his law degree in 2009. A former speechwriter and researcher, he is now the third generation to work with his family’s manufacturing company in St. Louis, Missouri.

Lael D. Weinberger received his law degree from Oak Brook College of Law. After graduating, he clerked for the Idaho Supreme Court. He is now practicing law and pursuing graduate studies in history.